Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sarkozy's Contempt for Obama
By Jack Kelly
September 29, 2009
The contempt with which the president of France regards the president of the United States was displayed in public last week.
Nicolas Sarkozy was furious with Barack Obama for his adolescent warbling about a world without nuclear weapons at a meeting Mr. Obama chaired of the United Nations Security Council last Thursday (9/24).
"We must never stop until we see the day when nuclear arms have been banished from the face of the earth," President Obama said.
What infuriated President Sarkozy was that at the time Mr. Obama said those words, Mr. Obama knew the mullahs in Iran had a secret nuclear weapons development site, and he didn't call them on it.
‘President Obama dreams of a world without weapons...but right in front of us two countries are doing the exact opposite," Mr. Sarkozy said...
Did you every think you'd see the day when a FRENCH leader showed more 'male anatomy' than our President?!
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Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Administration Will Cut Border Patrol Deployed on U.S-Mexico Border
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Terence P. Jeffrey, Editor-in-Chief
( - Even though the Border Patrol now reports that almost 1,300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border is not under effective control, and the Department of Justice says that vast stretches of the border are “easily breached,” and the Government Accountability Office has revealed that three persons “linked to terrorism” and 530 aliens from “special interest countries” were intercepted at Border Patrol checkpoints last year, the administration is nonetheless now planning to decrease the number of Border Patrol agents deployed on the U.S.-Mexico border...
This is not surprising at all. This administration has no interest in defending this country or its borders. They do not like law enforcement or the military.
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Russia Hopes U.S. to Extend Shuttle Operations
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia hopes the United States will extend the deadline to retire its space shuttles beyond 2011 and has heard unofficially it is possible, the head of Russia's space agency was quoted as saying on Friday...
I hope that they do keep them flying till they can get its replacement up and running.
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Listening to a Liar: Part II
"Hubris-laden charlatans" was the way a recent e-mail from a reader characterized the Obama administration. That phrase seems especially appropriate for the Charlatan-in-Chief, Barack Obama, whose speech to a joint session of Congress was both a masterpiece of rhetoric and a shameless fraud...
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Poll: Big Majorities Say Objective Journalism Is Dead and that Media Back Obama
Friday, September 25, 2009
By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer
– Two-thirds (67.9 percent) of Americans surveyed think that “objective and fair journalism is dead,” while an overwhelming 89.3 percent believe the news media played a role in the election of President Barack Obama...
You can count me among that 68%!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
President Obama gives mushy, cliche-filled speech at UN General Assembly
Last Updated: 10:25 AM, September 24, 2009
By Rich Lowery
President Obama yesterday did his best impression of a high-school soph omore participating in his first Model UN meeting, retailing pious clichés he learned from his pony-tailed social studies teacher...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Listening to a Liar
The most important thing about what anyone says are not the words themselves but the credibility of the person who says them.
The words of convicted swindler Bernie Madoff were regarded as knowledgeable and sophisticated. If you go by words, you can be led into anything...
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Tuesday, September 22, 2009
President Barack Obama is beginning to look out of his depth
By Edward Lucas
Published: 8:30AM BST 20 Sep 2009
It is lovely to feature in other people's dreams. The problem comes when they wake up. Barack Obama is an eloquent, brainy and likeable man with a fascinating biography. He is not George Bush. Those are great qualities. But they are not enough to lead America, let alone the world...
Monday, September 21, 2009
OSU hate, OU love creates double standard
Posted by's Adam Rittenberg
The Ohio State Buckeyes are victims of a double standard, and they deserve better.
Ohio State has seen its national approval rating steadily decline since the 2007 BCS national title game, the first of six consecutive losses against top 5 opponents. Much of the heat directed toward Columbus is warranted. Ohio State has disappointed the national media on the game's biggest stage several times, and despite a series of strong recruiting classes, the team has underachieved in several areas, namely along the offensive line.
But another national powerhouse deserves the same treatment. Another big-name has been just as disappointing in big games, if not worse. And yet that team continues to escape the hate. Meet the Oklahoma Sooners. They're apparently made out of Teflon...
I've been saying this for some time now! Why we get trashed and Chokelahoma gets a pass is beyond me.
One Last Look

It seems that the Bucks actually held SC out of the endzone on their initial TD. Just to be sure this wasn't "photo shopped," I watched the game again and paused it and used slow motion indexing to view the play in question. This photo is real and means that SC did not score on their first possession which was the result of the interception. Why this wasn't reviewed is a big question in my mind. Why the coaches in the booth didn't holler for a challenge is an even bigger question. At any rate, it's clear SC shouldn't have been credited with their first TD.
A Stab in the Back
The Weekly Standard
by Jamie M. Fly
09/28/2009, Volume 015, Issue 02
President Obama's decision to cancel plans for U.S. missile defense sites in Poland and the Czech Republic is a knife in the back for those countries. The implications for U.S. security and the transatlantic relationship are profound. Critics rightly note that the sudden announcement Thursday sends a dangerous message to allies, both in Europe and elsewhere, who rely on U.S. security guarantees.
Even those who agree with the administration's approach concede that the rollout was clumsy--middle of the night phone calls and little prior consultation. In July 2007, Senator Obama criticized his predecessor for this very thing. The Bush administration, he said, had "done a poor job of consulting its NATO allies about the deployment of a missile defense system that has major implications for all of them."
In addition to the geopolitical implications of this con-cession to Russia, there are several major problems with the administration's plan...
It seems to me that we have an administration that is more interested in and feels it has more in common with our enemies than it does our allies.
Politics and Blacks
President Barack Obama won an unprecedented 96 percent of the black vote. That's not much of a news story since blacks typically give their votes to the Democratic candidate. Blacks are probably the most politically loyal people in the nation and it is almost taken as gospel, at least among civil rights organizations and black and white liberals, that the only way black people can make socioeconomic progress is through the politics of race and special government programs. However, such a vision can be subjected to empirical evidence...
This is a very interesting article!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
No. 11 Buckeyes Blank Rockets, 38-0
CLEVELAND (AP) -- When people said No. 11 Ohio State had no offense, quarterback Terrelle Pryor took offense.
The sophomore threw for a career-high 262 yards and ran for 110 yards to help the Buckeyes rebound from disheartening loss and the criticism that went with it and beat Toledo 38-0 on Saturday at Cleveland Browns Stadium...
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Friday, September 18, 2009
Obama feeds allies to bear
By Ralph Peters
STILL determined to "push the reset button with Russia," President Obama hit the delete key on our allies in Eastern Europe.
It's not a good time to be an ALLY of this country. Can you say Neville Chamberlain?!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Ohio State's Pryor takes blame for loss to USC
Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio -- In one of the biggest games of his young college career, Ohio State quarterback Terrelle Pryor said it was his fault his team lost.
Pryor threw an early interception that led to a Southern California touchdown. Then he failed to rally an offense that mustered just 265 yards against USC's defense as the Buckeyes again lost a high-profile, national television game, 18-15 on Saturday night.
"We should have beat them by two or three touchdowns. Easy, man," Pryor said. "The ball just went the wrong way, like I keep saying. We needed this win. It just hurts right now, but we've got a long season to go. We're going to fight and we'll be back in it. We've got a good chance."
He said it was all the offense's fault.
"We've got to punch it in offensively," he said. "It just comes down to me. I take the whole blame for it."
I'll say this for the young man, he takes losing personally. He wants to win as bad or more than anyone on the team or who follows the team. If things ever fall into place for him he's going to be everything that he was made out to be. Personally, I think he needs a Bill Walsh type to help him with his fundamentals and technique and it would all come together. This is why I remain optimistic about him and the team.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
The Coming Reset in State Government
Mitch Daniels -
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels writes in The Wall Street Journal that the recession will likely cause a permanent reduction in state tax revenues and force states to trim back the size and scope of government. Unlike the federal government, states can't continue to borrow without limit.
Better ways to reform health care
EDITORIAL - Washington Times
For a politician who promised to be post-partisan and unifying, President Obama is proving to be awfully ideological and divisive. His speech on Monday at an AFL-CIO picnic in Cincinnati showed that he enters Wednesday's national address on health care in full attack-dog mode. That approach is not likely to bring Americans together to support his unpopular policies.
As so often has been the case, Mr. Obama portrayed these United States as hopelessly misguided until he graced the Oval Office with his presence. "Wealth was valued over work, selfishness over sacrifice, greed over responsibility," he said. Notice how Mr. Obama never seems content with criticizing the choices of others but instead attacks their motives and character...
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Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care
Sarah Palin -
Former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin writes in The Wall Street Journal that the government's attempts to solve large problems often creates even larger new ones. She claims that Democrats' proposals would empower unelected bureaucrats to make decisions affecting life or death health-care matters.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Who May Harm Whom?
"No one has a right to harm another." Just a little thought, along with a few examples, would demonstrate that blanket statement as pure nonsense. Suppose there is a beautiful lady that both Jim and Bob are pursuing. If Jim wins her hand, Bob is harmed. By the same token, if Bob wins her hand, Jim is harmed. Whose harm is more important and should the beautiful lady be permitted to harm either Bob or Jim are nonsense questions...
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Whose medical decisions?, Part IV
Thomas Sowell
The serious, and sometimes chilling, provisions of the medical care legislation that President Obama has been trying to rush through Congress are important enough for all of us to stop and think, even though his political strategy from the outset has been to prevent us from having time to stop and think about it.
What we also should stop to think about is the mindset behind this legislation, which is very consistent with the mindset behind other policies of this administration, whether the particular issue is bailing out General Motors, telling banks who to lend to or appointing "czars" to tell all sorts of people in many walks of life what they can and cannot do.
The idea that government officials can play God from Washington is not a new idea, but it is an idea that is being pushed with new audacity...
"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."
-- Thomas Jefferson to Charles Hammond, 1821. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, (Memorial Edition) Lipscomb and Bergh, editors, ME 15:332
"The greatest [calamity] which could befall [us would be] submission to a government of unlimited powers."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Declaration and Protest of Virginia, 1825. The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, (Memorial Edition) Lipscomb and Bergh, editors, ME 17:445
"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power not longer susceptible of any definition."
-- Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, February 15, 1791
It is quite clear that the federal government has no authority to institute a system of nationalized health care. To do so would be a major usurpation of its Constitutional powers. As far as that goes, much of what the Federal government has done, with regards to "welfare" is unconstitutional. Sadly, a great many of the people of this nation would rather be made comfortable rather than have freedom and liberty. As Ben Franklin said, "if you give up liberty for safety, you deserve neither." All you have to do is read what the Founding Fathers wrote and you will see that the federal government was meant to be LIMITED. It was never meant to be this large or have the reach in to our lives it has obtained.
My question to those that read this is quite simple. Are you so helpless that you are incapable of taking care of yourself and need a nanny, in this case the federal government, to do it for you? If your answer is yes, I pity you and your childish mindset. If your answer is no, then maybe it's about time you got off your butt, pay attention to what people are saying and vote people into office that will take their oath to "preserve and protect" The Constitution seriously and be true "citizen legislators" and not act like a ruling elite.
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Tuesday, September 01, 2009
Whose medical decisions?, Part III
Thomas Sowell
Amid all the controversies over medical care, no one seems to be asking a very basic question: Why does it take more than 1,000 pages of legislation to insure people who lack medical insurance?
Despite incessant repetition of the fact that millions of Americans do not have medical insurance, hardy souls who have actually read the mammoth medical care legislation being rushed through Congress have discovered all sorts of things there that have nothing whatever to do with insuring the uninsured - and everything to do with taking medical decisions out of the hands of doctors and their patients, and transferring those decisions to Washington bureaucrats...
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