ESPN Bottomline

Monday, December 19, 2011

American Thinker

The Department of Labor vs. America's Farm Kids

By Josiah Cantrall

America was built by farmers, and to this day, farming is a generational industry for many. So why are federal agencies, led by President Obama appointees, intent on taking steps that will undermine and ultimately destroy our nation's agricultural heartland? ...

...Under new standards being advocated by the Labor Department, youths under the age of eighteen would be prohibited from working in hay lofts, giving shots, caring for baby animals, and being in the vicinity of animals whose behavior may be "unpredictable." For the estimated 1.3 million youths living or working on farms, this means no longer being able to perform routine chores if the farm is set up as a corporation or a business partnership. Today, the vast majority of family farms are legally structured in this manner. ...

This may sound conspiratorial, but this is nothing more than large corporate farms working through the Obama administration to eliminate the competition from the family farm!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Bonus Quote of the Day

Roll Call

"None of us should be surprised... look how quickly the mainstream media goes for the ugliest, racial stereotypes they can to attack a black conservative... Herman Cain is somebody. Herman Cain is obviously making some people nervous for this kind of thing to happen."

-- Rush Limbaugh, quoted by the National Review.

Cain On Sexual Harassment Charge: "Totally Baseless And Totally False"

Real Clear Politics Video

"I have never sexually harassed anyone, let's say that. Secondly, I've never sexually harassed anyone, and yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association, and I say falsely, because it turned out, after the investigation, to be baseless. The people mentioned in that article were the ones who would be aware of any misdoings, and they have attested to my integrity and my character. It is totally baseless, and totally false, never have I committed any sort of sexual harassment," Herman Cain told FOX News about claims from Politico that he was involved in the sexual harassment of two former employees.

As Yogi Berra said, "it's deja vu all over again!" This is the EXACT same thing that was done to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas! As Mr. Cain said earlier this year that he expected against him, it's a "high-tech lynching!" The Libs/Democrats cannot abide a black or a Hispanic that rises to prominence without them! If someone like Herman Cain, Justice Thomas, and Marco Rubio dare leave the democrat plantation and do things on their own they must be discredited and destroyed!

Politico has a dubious record of it's own. It has, on more than one occasion, published false stories and made up stories both to support their pals on the left and to destroy those that they do not like! It is hilarious that FOUR reporters at Politico had to tie their name to this story. They think that is will make their career. What is has done is show just how desperate they are to destroy their political foes and to what lengths they will go to lie, cheat and steal their way through life!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Herman Cain Won't Retract: Planned Parenthood is "Planned Genocide"

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain is not backing down from a statement he made to on March 15 that Planned Parenthood is really about “planned genocide” because it targets black babies for abortions.

He is totally correct! Margaret Sanger was a believer in eugenics and that the white race was superior to all others. She was a major influence on Hitler and his master race plans. She wanted to eliminate all races except for the white race. Don't believe him or me? Look it up! It's not hard to find!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

Peter Roff (

A federal judge, who formerly headed a chapter of Planned Parenthood, allows a lawsuit against a pro life group to move forward.

...Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood. ...

Driehaus was a stuffed shirt rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi and Obama. He voted in lock step with her and ignored what his constituents wanted. He voted for Obamacare with the public funding for abortions even after saying he would not do so. He voted for the stimulus package to bail out Wall St companies such as Goldman Saks (which Timmy Geithner worked for), AIG, because they were deemed too big to fail. He helped balloon the debt and deficit of this country by 2-4 times what had been done under Bush. He didn't see a single spending bill that he didn't like! He was more interested in pleasing Queen Pelosi and growing his political career than he was in being a true citizen legislator. This suit is laughable and the only reason it's going forward is because he is being paid back by Obama, through one of his court appointees, for his unquestioning support!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oklahoma Mother Reportedly Refused Cancer Treatment So Child Could Survive

Fox News

A single mother who died of cancer in Oklahoma reportedly refused treatment because she feared for her unborn baby.

If only more people over the years had that much love of life! Who knows what great leaders, musicians, artists, inventors and others are not hear because of the selfishness and lack of respect for the life of the most innocent amongst us, the unborn child!

"See, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward." - Psalms 127:3

Monday, October 17, 2011

Cain Continues to Pull Away, Perry & Bachmann Fading

IBOPE | Zogby IBOPE Zogby Poll

Obama Approval 43% & 39% Say He Deserves 2nd Term

UTICA, NY--Herman Cain is now the runaway leader among Republican presidential primary voters...

The positive news keeps coming in!!!

2012 Presidential Matchups

Rasmussen Reports™

Rasmussen Reports - The best place to look for polls that are spot on:

Whether Herman Cain’s surge in the polls is temporary or has staying power, he’s enjoying a big enough bounce to take a very slight lead over President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 matchup. At the moment, the Georgia businessman is the only Republican with a lead of any kind over Obama,...

Love reading this! I continue to hope and pray that this continues to build. Even if you don't like his 9-9-9 plan, it's that type of radical change that is needed today!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

HURT: Is U.S. ready for second black leader?

Washington Time

Is America ready to make history by electing the first black president to replace a black president?

The left cannot abide a black that has left the Democrat plantation and can think for themselves!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Herman Cain to Harry Belafonte: I Left the Plantation a Long Time Ago

Go Herman Go!!!

Poll: Cain, Romney tied in Va.

Washington Times

Businessman Herman Cain is gaining ground with Virginia voters, tying former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney for the lead among GOP presidential contenders in a Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday.

More great news for Herman!

South Carolina Republican Presidential Primary

American Research Group

Herman Cain leads the South Carolina Republican presidential primary with 26%. Cain is followed closely by Mitt Romney at 25%. Rick Perry is third at 15%.

I truly hope he can continue this! He is by FAR the best candidate!

Monday, October 10, 2011

If this doesn't frighten you - you're a mindless prog myrmidon

Neelz Nuze -

Normally I would tell you to watch this video. Actually .. some of you may not want to. This is a video of an “assembly” in Atlanta.

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Herman Cain rises, Rick Perry slides in new CBS News poll

Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Herman Cain moves into tie with Mitt Romney at top of GOP presidential field as Rick Perry falls 11 points in two weeks Read more by Brian Montopoli on CBS News' Political Hotsheet.

I truly hope that this movement keeps growing! As I keep saying, he's the closest thing to Ronaldous Magnus of ANY of the candidates! He's also NOT a career politician!

Monday, October 03, 2011

Obama needs to recalibrate, Johnson says


Robert Johnson, the founder of BET television, says President Barack Obama needs to stop taking shots at the wealthy. Appearing with FedEx CEO Fred Smith on "Fox News Sunday," Johnson said that demagoguing the wealthy is not the way to get people to like you. "I think the president has to recalibrate his message"…

He had better be careful. He is going to be labeled as a "greedy Uncle Tom!" You don't dare wonder off the Democrat plantation, if you are black. You are not allowed to think for yourself. You must do what your Democrat masters tell you!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Pat Buchanan Challenges Warren Buffett: 'Set an Example and Send a Check for $5 Billion to the Federal Government'

Buchanan is just about the only person at pMSNBC that makes any sense!

Stop Coddling the Super-Rich

We mega-rich should not continue to get extraordinary tax breaks while most Americans struggle to make ends meet.

Hey Warren, why don't you lead by example. Put your money where your mouth is. If you don't think you've paid enough to the government, then write a multibillion dollar check to the government! Nothing's stopping you from doing so. Quit flapping your gums and show everyone you're serious!

Friday, August 12, 2011

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Against Obama's Health Care Law

A federal appeals court ruled Friday that the individual mandate in President Obama's health care law is unconstitutional.

No government has the right to order anyone to purchase something, especially when it pertains to one's individual freedoms and liberties!

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Taking the pursuit out of the "pursuit of happiness"

The second sentence of the Declaration of Inde pendence contains the most beautiful song of human liberation ever composed. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."...

...Yet that glorious ode to freedom contains a little-noticed limit, one that carries a special meaning for our fractured nation today. The Founders, we can say safely, would have zero tolerance for the soul-sapping entitlement culture of modern America...

The welfare state is the biggest enemy to the survival of this nation, at least as created by our founders!

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

OSU Self Report: Tressel 2-Game Suspension, Fine | Football Article

"...The university became aware of this situation on Jan. 13, while reviewing information on an unrelated legal issue. The university's Office of Legal Affairs notified the appropriate institutional officials and an investigation began immediately. After conducting additional fact finding, including questioning Tressel, the university notified the NCAA on Feb. 3. ..."

As this makes clear, the university discovered this on their own and reported it to the NCAA, on their own, without any "reporter" having to push them into doing so! They were not covering up anything. What happened the last two days is a couple reporters not allowing the university and NCAA to finish consulting, set the punishment and then make an announcement.

End Of Tressel Era? I'm Not Buying

"Speculation has run rampant since Yahoo! Sports reported Ohio State head coach Jim Tressel knew last April that his players were committing NCAA violations. Here is managing editor Mark Rea's take on that speculation."

Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mike Brown and Art Rooney II, EP1

Wow, this is SO accurate!!!

Supporters of Slain Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry Seek Justice, Answers

ABC News

"The FBI is being completely mum on where the investigation is at," said National Border Patrol Council President T.J. Bonner in an interview. "We're pressing to get some answers not only for our organization but the family." ...

Pretty much what I'd expect from the likes of Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano (aka, Incompitano) and Barry Sitaro (that's Obama, for the uneducated)!

Friday, January 21, 2011

George Washington Concealed - Martin Luther King Day - Fox Nation

The monument of George Washington was concealed from the crowd during the annual King Day at the Dome rally.

The NAACP says no insult to Washington was intended - the three-sided structure that covered the front and sides of the statue was intended to display a rally graphic.

Read more:

So tell me, which side is it that is intolerant?!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Pima County sheriff should remember duty

The Arizona Republic - Opinions

...Dupnik needs to recall that he is elected to be a
lawman. With each additional comment, the Democratic sheriff of Pima County is revealing his agenda as partisan, and, as such, every bit as recklessly antagonistic as the talk-show hosts and politicians he chooses to decry.

As I said before, Loughner is just nuts. If you want to look as his politics, you are going to find a jumbled mass of confusion there as well. He cites the books, Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf as 2 of his favorites as well as having read some of the works of Orwell. He's a registered Independent and did not vote in the past election. He had an occultist shrine in his back yard and was big into the darkest forms of heavy metal rock. An associate describes him as a left-wing pothead. Others say he wasn't into politics at all, rather philosophy and psychology. He believes that the monetary system should be based on the gold standard.

What can be drawn from all that politically? Almost nothing! He is a mental mess that cannot truly be linked to either the right or the left. If you had to try, which is pointless, he'd lean more left, but again there is no point in attaching him to the left either. He is simply a mentally disturbed young man who is motivated by evil and did not care who he hurt.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Libel is No Path to a Civil Society

Morning Bell: The Foundry: Conservative Policy News.

...Americans like Sheriff Dupnik, who claim that they are interested in creating a more civil discourse, ought to think long and hard about pointing their fingers at other peoples’ words before making completely unsubstantiated accusations. Those who blame the rhetoric of their political opponents for these heinous crimes, when no such evidence exists, only further coarsen our civil discourse. ...

Before pinning blame on one side or the other, you should take a closer look at just who this guy is, what he is reading, and what he believes! In the case of this guy, he's not right or left. He's just nuts!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Raging Against “Them”

PajamasMedia » Works and Days

...California Got What It Wanted

The same is true of California. Our elites liked the idea of stopping new gas and oil extraction, shutting down the nuclear power industry, freezing state east-west freeways, strangling the mining and timber industries, cutting off water to agriculture in the Central Valley, diverting revenues from fixing roads and bridges to redistributive entitlements, and praising the new multicultural state that would welcome in half the nation’s 11-15 million illegal aliens. Better yet, the red-state-minded “they” (the nasty upper one-percent who stole from the rest of us due to their grasping but superfluous businesses) began to leave at the rate of 3,000 a week, ensuring the state a Senator Barbara Boxer into her nineties. ...

California, Greece and these other places have dug their own hole. It's time for them to climb out of it on their own. The morons in these places put the people in power that did this and have made no effort to correct course. Let them sink! I don't want any of my tax dollars used to bail them out!