Tuesday, October 02, 2012
2 US border agents shot, 1 killed, near major drug corridor in Arizona
Two U.S. Border Patrol agents were shot, one fatally, Tuesday morning in an area in south Arizona known as a major drug-smuggling corridor, authorities said.
Univision: Juarez drug cartel leader ‘El Diego’ was captured with Fast and Furious weapons
When Mexican authorities took Juarez drug cartel carnage king Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez — better known as “El Diego” — into custody, he had weapons from Operation Fast and Furious on his person, the English-language transcript of the Spanish-language television network Univision’s special investigation into the scandal shows.
Univision report connects Operation Fast and Furious scandal to murders of Mexican teenagers
The Spanish language television news network Univision unleashed a bombshell investigative report on Operation Fast and Furious Sunday evening, finding that in January 2010 drug cartel hit men slaughtered students with weapons the United States government allowed to flow to them across the Mexican border.
Tuesday, March 06, 2012
Rush Limbaugh Isn’t the Only Media Misogynist
Rush Limbaugh apologized on Saturday for calling a Georgetown Law student a slut for testifying about contraception and starting a firestorm of outrage. Kirsten Powers says the liberals who led the charge need to start holding their own side accountable.
Did you know there is a war on women?
Yes, it’s true. Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi, and Ed Schultz have been waging it for years with their misogynist outbursts. There have been boycotts by people on the left who are outraged that these guys still have jobs. Oh, wait. Sorry, that never happened. ...
This is not a source I normally go to, let alone site, but in this case the author is dead on!
What's the Biggest Threat to Free Speech?
I would also add that it's those who would seek to force political commentators off the air through tactics such as getting their sponsors to abandon them. I vehemently, disagree with the likes of Ed Schultz, Keith Olberman, Bill Mahr, and others on the left, but I will fight to the death to protect their right to give their opinion. Those I do not like or agree with, I simply do not listen to!
Fox Nation
Leftists were outraged by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh's comments about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke, but we are left to question why the same outrage doesn't occur when offensive comments are made by liberals. Kristen Powers points out that many liberals in the media have made far worse comments and received little, if any, public reprimand.
For those that may not know who Kristen Powers is, she is an avowed liberal. She proudly talkes about being raised by a liberal feminist mother. She also works for the Daily Beast, a far left blog.
The Wall Street Journal
In The Wall Street Journal, Family Research Council fellow Cathy Cleaver Ruse writes that law student Sandra Fluke is demanding that a Catholic school give
..."In her testimony, Ms. Fluke claimed that, "Without insurance coverage, contraception, as you know, can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school." That's $1,000 per year. But an employee at a Target pharmacy near the university told the Weekly Standard last week that one month's worth of generic oral contraceptives is $9 per month. "That's the price without insurance," the employee said. (It's also $9 per month at Wal-Mart.)"...
Monday, March 05, 2012
Mike Malloy Mocks Tornado Victims & Their Religion
Where's the outrage on the left about this?! Oh, that's right, that's how they really feel. They are elitists who look down their noses at those they view as inferior. They look at themselves as the enlightened and ruling class and the rest of us as their serfs.
The Rush Limbaugh Show
RUSH: For those of you tuning into this program to find out what's going on, there is a central element of the whole Sandra Fluke story that you are not being told in the mainstream media. We've discussed it repeatedly here, but it's not part of the reporting in the mainstream version of it. But Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, just said that Obama finds the attacks on Fluke to be "reprehensible, disappointing, personal and crude." So I ask Jay Carney: Will President Obama now give back the $1 million donation that Bill Maher just gave his super PAC? You want to get some tapes of some things that Bill Maher has called Sarah Palin?
The C-word over and over again.
Bill Maher and some of his comments make me look like Romper Room, a choir boy. So will Obama be giving back Bill Maher's money? Not just Bill Maher. Look at how they have characterized Sarah Palin all of these years. The media included! I know Jay Carney will not be asked. That's why I'm asking: "Will Obama give back Bill Maher's money?" (impression) "He can't, Mr. Limbaugh, because Bill Maher gave the money to the super PAC, and, as you know, Mr. Limbaugh," this the voice of the New Castrati, "the president has nothing to say whatsoever, Mr. Limbaugh, about the super PAC."
Rally for Rush
"Rush Limbaugh has discussed at length -- at length -- what Sandra Fluke and her statist cronies are up to. Yes, he used the words "slut" and "prostitute" -- using the ludicrous to make his point. Ms. Fluke, in one of the most pathetic, shamelessly whining stories in recent memory, demands to be paid for her sex life because it costs $3,000 for three years of birth control while she's at law school. She demands that a Catholic university violate its fundamental right to religious liberty so she can have others pay for her sex life. So Rush asked the farcical obvious about somebody who demands that someone else pay her for her apparent, self-admitted prolific sex life. He spent two solid days relating her greed for other people's money and a lack of personal responsibility to the oldest of principles."...
..."As a student at Cornell and treasurer of a pro-choice organization at the school, Sandra Fluke, helped shut down a pro-life speech on Cornell's campus by counter protesting. She argued that a pro-life organization at Cornell was about "manipulating [students'] emotions" with misleading statistics about abortion. But when it is her turn to speak on Capitol Hill, the third-year Georgetown Law Student demands she gets her say in a hearing that has nothing to do with birth control."...
Limbaugh vs. Party of Subsidized Sin
"Babbling incessantly about a fictitious "war on women," Barack Obama and his band of hubristic hedonists play the victim even as they rape the freedom and conscience rights of the religious. Obamacare's decree that the religious pay for the promiscuity of their employees and students represents the greatest government-directed assault on religious liberty in the history of America."...
..."Far more troubling than Rush Limbaugh's comment about Sandra Fluke is the cowardice of country club Republicans who refuse to join the talk show host in denouncing Obama for his war on religion. If anybody deserves an apology from Rush, it is prostitutes. They pay for their birth control themselves, and, unlike Fluke, they don't demand that the clergy underwrite their carnal activities."...