Well, getting up the morning of day 8 was pretty uneventful. We'd put our luggage out the night before to be collected for off loading. All we had was our carry on's. We went and had breakfast in the main dining room. Nothing much, just some cereal in my case. It was then just sitting and waiting for our turn to disembark. We finally walked off the ship some time between 10 and 10:30 that morning. I was ready to walk back on the instant I walked off. I thoroughly enjoyed myself!
Well, we'd planned all along to stay a couple of extra days in Seattle to explore a bit. The place we stayed was over looking the public market. What a neat place! It has a little bit of everything, from fresh seafood to fresh produce, to fresh cut flowers to any little nick nack that you can think of, as well as several restaurants. We spent a lot of time just roaming in it. As a matter of fact that's what we did most of the first day back in Seattle. I've got info and will definitely be ordering some fresh seafood from some of the vendors. I left a few dollars there as it is. If Cincinnati ever got it's butt in gear and cleaned up Over-The-Rhine Findley Market and the area around it could be very similar.
Well, my pics are almost at an end. I'll post a few more in the next day or 2 and that'll be it for mine. I'll post a few of my parents and my brothers pics at some point as well.
Pics include the Totem pole in Seattle's main square, a couple of the market and some from a bay sight seeing cruise we took (including the Seattle P. I. Paper with the needle in the back ground, a pic of where the building that Frazier lived in would be if it really existed- his apartment would have been about where the tops of the red and white radio towers are, another skyline view and some really nice guy).
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