Neal Boortz
Today's Nuze
THE DAY AFTER, November 8, 2006
The voters gave the Republicans a well-earned kick in the gut yesterday. They have taken control of the House of Representatives by an overwhelming margin. They needed 15 seats to get control. They have won at least 28. As of this morning the Senate is still in play. At best the Republicans will have a one-seat margin in the Senate.
When I got up at 4:00 this morning and started to look at results, I can honestly say that I was neither surprised nor disappointed. I've been saying this for weeks ... and I'll say it again right now ... this may be the best possible outcome for the future of our Republic.
This is good news .. and bad news. Good news because of the message it sends to Republicans. Bad news because of the message it sends to Islamic jihadists who are dedicated to the destruction of our culture.
One thing is certain. The Republicans worked very hard for this defeat. They've earned every lost seat. The Republican majority that was sent packing yesterday bore little resemblance to the Republican majority that rode to power 12 years ago. In 1994 we were promised less government. Over the next 12 years the Republicans more than doubled the size of the government. We were promised control over runaway spending. In the last six years discretionary spending has doubled. We were promised fiscal responsibility. We got a bridge to nowhere in Alaska. We were promised the elimination of the Department of Education. After all, educational achievement had been on a steady decline since education was federalized under this Department. In no time at all the Republicans doubled funding for the Department of Education. In the meanwhile America continues to slip on the international scorecard of educational achievement...
I can't disagree with what he's said at all! Right here in Ohio was a glittering example of this. Mike Dewine was defeated in his bid to be re-elected to the Senate mainly because he showed more RINO(Republican In Name Only) tendencies than he did true conservative Reaganite tendencies. I believe that this was the main reason for his defeat. His joining the "Gang of 14" and other such moves seriously hacked off the conservative electorate in Ohio. Yes, it can be argued that he got caught up in the Bob Taft mess, but I don't believe that was the number one reason he went down. The Republicans abandoned the principles that won them the majority in 1994! They also never figured out how to act like the majority. They let the Democrats defacto run things for all but about the first couple years. They also were too worried about what the hacks in the main stream press were going to say about them instead of worrying about what their constituents were going to say. Here in Ohio especially, there needs to be a top down shake up of the party leadership. It is dominated by RINO's and needs to be cleaned out! If this isn't done and done quickly things are not going to get any better and we will continue to lose. The GOP must return to the principles of The Gipper!
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