ESPN Bottomline

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Who Do We Look To Now?

It is now time to look to a new set of leaders. Those who are currently in the position of leadership within the party clearly have no desire to show true conservative values. The current Congressional leadership is weak and has demonstrated no desire to stand up for the principles on which they were elected to begin with. Clearly George W. Bush, John Boehner, Roy Blount, and the rest in leadership positions in Congress were not interested in pursuing the policies of smaller more efficient government. They were not interested in restraining spending. They were not interested in limited government as established by our Founding Fathers. As a matter of fact, some even appeared hostile to it. Whether they want to admit it or not, this is the main reason for Republican losses during the last elections.

So, who do we look to? Who are the voices of conservatism that can lead us back to where we want to be and where we should be? The most prominent one is, of course, Sara Palin. She has come on the scene and given voice to the conservative ideology like only Reagan and Newt have in recent history. There are those like Bobby Jindal(LA - Gov.), Rob Portman(former Rep. from OH), Ken Blackwell(former OH Sec of St.), JC Watt(former Rep from OK), Paul Ryan(Rep - WI) and many others that come from the principled conservative mold that so many of us desire. These are the people that can and should be the leaders of the conservative movement.

Clearly, the focus should be on the state level. That is where the vast majority of top leaders are located. Many of the best and brightest and most liked are currently residing in the state houses and governors mansion of this great country. As tired as people may be, having just come out of a long grueling election cycle, next year there are going to be many state legislature seats and governorships up for election. Our focus must be on bringing out and promoting those who are going to be the best and strongest supporters of conservative ideology.
Yes, we need to get good people back in to Congress, but our main focus should be at the state and local level again. That is where we can make the most immediate impact. History also tells us that this is where our best leaders come from.

Only by getting back to the grassroots foundations of conservative ideology can we once again be the true defenders of the Constitution and frame work for this nation that our Founding Fathers gave us that we were not that long ago. As Ronald Reagan said, "
Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?" He also said, "A political party cannot be all things to all people. It must represent certain fundamental beliefs which must not be compromised to political expediency, or simply to swell its numbers." When we have people who earnestly believe this as our leaders we will once again have the backing of the majority of the electorate. I earnestly believe this and I believe the results of the election and the actions of the conservative electorate bear this out!


Anonymous said...

Good piece on the future of the GOP in OH

Anonymous said...

There are two reasons why the Republicans did so miserably in the last two elections. (1) I am greatly angry with Pres George Bush because he squandered his golden opportunity to reshape America without going to war. America does not attack any nation just to start a war. I feel he was trying to end the perceived vilification his Dad received following
Gulf War I. Afghanistan was not big enough to accomplish this make over so he went bigger, Iraq. I think he expected Iraq to roll over and play dead for him They did not because of the Al Quida was too clever to allow that to happen. George Bush lost and so did we. (2) The Republican party must get rid of the criminals in the party as the Dems used them to their great advantage. Three thieving Congressman , 2 from Ohio and Tom Delay from Texas, one homosexual pedophile Congressman from Florida, and one criminal Governor from Ohio, Taft. Now, we have to put up with Senator Ted Stephens from Alaska. What a joke as all this garbage continues to flow through the Republican party to the ballot box. When eggs spoil, they stink. I think that when the stink starts rising, get rid of it and the responsible legislators. Until the Republican Party can prove to me that they will clean up its act, I will be switching to the Independent Party. At least I will be able to hide in their unspoiled cabbage. I will never vote for a liberal Democrat though.

BuckeyeDave said...

Thanks for the comments. Let me make a couple comments about what has been said. 1st, the war on terror is one of the things that I believe Pres. Bush did right. Lest you forget, we lost 3000 of our people on 9/11/01. Whether you agree with going into Iraq or not, the goal has been accomplished. Al Quida has been decimated and it is now a free country. You probably don't realize that because it's being reported in few places, almost none of which are the main stream media. Our men are now coming home, as VICTORS. Afghanistan, though they are having issues with the taliban, has largely been successful.

2nd, the Republican party has purged these people. Taft is gone and he isn't coming back and the other one from OH is in jail, as he should be. The rep from FL is gone and not coming back, Stephens will be gone soon enough. As for Delay, he has yet to be tried or found guilty of anything, as a matter of fact one of the counts was thrown out and that has been upheld on all appeals. The Prosecutor, Ronnie Earle, is nothing more than a political hack and is pursuing a personal vendetta. Again, he STILL hasn't even been TRIED let alone found guilty of ANYTHING. Wikipedia has a pretty good synopsis of the story.

At any rate, the whole point of my article as to point out the need for new leadership and people who can fit the bill.