Sara A. Carter (Contact)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Former U.S. Border Patrol agent Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos wakes up in the middle of the night expecting a guard to shine a flashlight in his face. Jose Alonso Compean, his colleague, still has nightmares that he's not really home.
It has not been easy readjusting to life outside their one-man prison cells, where they spent the last two years of their lives in segregation...
Being in law enforcement myself, I find what was done to them reprehensible! The P.O.S. that they shot was here illegally, bringing in illicit drugs and was known to carry a weapon with him at all times. The fact that our government spent our tax dollars to go and bring that worthless shred of human debris back to this country to testify against our law enforcement agents, giving him immunity to do so, is infandous(too odious to be expressed or mentioned)! The fact that his word was given any weight against that of law enforcement agents is equally as infandous. It's too bad that the bullet didn't hit him several inches higher and cleans the gene pool of this garbage!
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