ESPN Bottomline

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare

(Co-founder and CEO of Whole Foods John Mackey writes in the Wall Street Journal that the last thing the US needs is a massive new health-care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars ...)


Opinion - August 11, 2009, 7:30 P.M. ET

Eight things we can do to improve health care without adding to the deficit

By John Mackey

"The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out
of other people's money."

—Margaret Thatcher

With a projected $1.8 trillion deficit for 2009, several trillions more in deficits projected over the next decade, and with both Medicare and Social Security entitlement spending about to ratchet up several notches over the next 15 years as Baby Boomers become eligible for both, we are rapidly running out of other people's money. These deficits are simply not sustainable. They are either going to result in unprecedented new taxes and inflation, or they will bankrupt us...

This is an excellent piece. Mr. Mackey provides sensible common sense ideas that don't require the government to control health care. What's interesting about this is that Mr. Mackey is a self-described Libertarian and his stores are frequented, in large part, by those on the left. Another thing, he, a couple years ago, made his salary $1/year. The remainder, as well as much more, is donated to charity.

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