"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -- Thomas Paine
ESPN Bottomline
Monday, October 19, 2009
Commentary from the Rush Limbaugh Show's Official Obama Criticizer, Bo Snerdley
This is a MUST listen!
It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).
Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. He is reaping what he has sowed, KARMA, "palin and simple" like his followers. Don’t we all feel better?
If you're gonna make accusations please give examples to back them up! Also, if you want to call names, I could simply say your a mean-spirited, hateful, knee jerk, reactionary, libtard who can't think for himself. Gratuitous slams are easy!
Clearly you'd rather listen to the type of "reporter" that doesn't know how to fact check before publishing. You'd rather listen to People who refer to Jewish people as "diamond merchants," "Hymies," called NY "Hymietown" or was convicted of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley (which was a total fabrication) case.
You support at man who now happens to be OUR PRESIDENT who is recorded on tape having made the comment, "white mans greed runs a world in need," though I bet you say that's not a racist comment.
You probably support Justice Sotomayor's finding that discrimination against the white fire fighters so as to benefit minority candidates (who didn't score as high on the promotion exam) is acceptable.
I'm guessing you thought the comment by black radio talk show host Warren Balentine telling black political commentator Jaun Williams (who was defending Rush) to "get back on the porch" during a debate on The O'Reilly Factor was fine.
It would seem you found Perez Hilton's (not his REAL name) defamatory riff of Carrie Prejean because she dared not be politically correct but rather state her heart felt and deeply held belief when answer his clearly biased question is just fine!
If you're going to preach the hate and intolerance (which I thought you libs detested) you should at least cite legit examples of your claims and remember the old saying about those living in glass houses not throwing stones.
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest." -- Thomas Paine
What you see is what you get with me. I am not politically correct. I say what I think and rarely pull punches. I don't have any tolerance for Orwellian "newspeak," better known as political correctness. As a matter of fact, I DESPISE IT! I believe in The Constitution and it's intent as stated by our Founding Fathers. I believe in Freedom. Without it peace is meaningless. Above all else, I believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior!!!
It seems to me that all the negative vibes this blowhard (Rush Hudson Limbaugh A.KA. Jeff Christie) has been spewing over these many years has come back to blow back on his face (A classic “Blow Back”). He always tries to give off the airs that he can have anything he wants but as we all witness those with more money and more influence tossed him aside like sack of potatoes and the ultimate insult was that it was done in public (money don’t buy you everything butterball).
Now of course he blames everyone else (Michael J. Fox, Perez Hilton, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Sonia Sotomayor, Hillary Clinton, Olympia Snowe, ESPN, NFL, the media, basically people of color, the handicapped, women and gays) when of course all you have to do is listen to his show and plainly hear his daily prejudices filled sermons. So NFL, I salute you decision, job well done. And to the whaling cry baby perched on his self made pedestal, quit your whining it was your own fault. He is reaping what he has sowed, KARMA, "palin and simple" like his followers. Don’t we all feel better?
If you're gonna make accusations please give examples to back them up! Also, if you want to call names, I could simply say your a mean-spirited, hateful, knee jerk, reactionary, libtard who can't think for himself. Gratuitous slams are easy!
Clearly you'd rather listen to the type of "reporter" that doesn't know how to fact check before publishing. You'd rather listen to People who refer to Jewish people as "diamond merchants," "Hymies," called NY "Hymietown" or was convicted of defamation and ordered to pay $65,000 for falsely accusing a New York prosecutor of rape in the 1987 Tawana Brawley (which was a total fabrication) case.
You support at man who now happens to be OUR PRESIDENT who is recorded on tape having made the comment, "white mans greed runs a world in need," though I bet you say that's not a racist comment.
You probably support Justice Sotomayor's finding that discrimination against the white fire fighters so as to benefit minority candidates (who didn't score as high on the promotion exam) is acceptable.
I'm guessing you thought the comment by black radio talk show host Warren Balentine telling black political commentator Jaun Williams (who was defending Rush) to "get back on the porch" during a debate on The O'Reilly Factor was fine.
It would seem you found Perez Hilton's (not his REAL name) defamatory riff of Carrie Prejean because she dared not be politically correct but rather state her heart felt and deeply held belief when answer his clearly biased question is just fine!
If you're going to preach the hate and intolerance (which I thought you libs detested) you should at least cite legit examples of your claims and remember the old saying about those living in glass houses not throwing stones.
"He who dares not offend cannot be honest."
-- Thomas Paine
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