ESPN Bottomline

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Schieffer: Christianity 'Has Nuts Too'

All you can do is shake your head at the insanity of this statement! Mr. Schieffer is a COWARD, A POLITICALLY CORRECT COWARD!!! It's also sad that Graham didn't have the testicular fortitude to challenge Schieffer on his statement. As I've said before, I DESPISE political correctness. It lacks any honesty or integrity. To quote Thomas Paine, "He who dares not offend cannot be honest." The attack at Ft. Hood was a terrorist act perpetrated by an Islamic jihadist and the first such act on our soil since 9/11. To borrow a comment from the retired Colonel that O'Reily has on his show periodically, "when was the last time a Southern Baptist strapped a bomb on and blew himself and dozens of other up? If Islam is a religion of peace, then let them start acting peacefully!"

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