ESPN Bottomline

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Capping Emissions, Trading On The Future -

The West's goals in Copenhagen are tantamount to suicide.

Whatever the results of the Copenhagen conference on climate change, one thing is for sure: Draconian reductions on carbon emissions will be tacitly accepted by the most developed economies and sloughed off by many developing ones. In essence, emerging economies get to cut their "carbon" intensity--a natural product of their economic evolution--while we get to cut our throats. ...

We are being sold a bill of goods by the likes of Al Gore, the "scientists" at East Anglia University, NASA and else where. Now upon finally being able to closely examine what we are being asked to buy we find out it's totally worthless and that Al Gore and his ilk are nothing more than modern day snake-oil salesmen. Yet, when we refuse to buy their garbage we are labeled "deniers" and called stupid for not wanting their crap. Well, thanks to a few thousand emails that were pilfered last week, we now know that they are the ones that deserve a moniker. So, hence forth, using their own methods, I label them WARMERS. A warmer being, one who tries to, knowingly, force the false premise of man-made global warming on others in an attempt to enrich themselves and enlarge their own power base for their own self-serving interests. Feel free to expand than definition. I know I didn't get the entire area encompassed.

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