ESPN Bottomline

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Does Preserving the Bush Tax Rates Doom Us to Massive Deficits? Nope!

Hit & Run : Reason Magazine

...So, does keeping the Bush tax rates mean that the government, which has hiked federal outlays 60 percent in constant 2010 dollars since Bill Clinton left office, will be starved for money? Not hardly. ...

Sadly, too many people in this country are economically illiterate! You DO NOT "PAY" for reduced taxes! "Massive deficits" are the product of MASSIVE SPENDING. We are not in this mess because we have not taxed people enough, we are in this mess because we (our governments, at every level) have no restraint on spending. Some of you may say, "then tell me what you would actually cut." Okay, where to begin, eliminate the Dept of Education, the Federal Reserve, the IRS (at least as it currently is structured towards pursuing individual citizens), The Dept of Homeland Security (the same could be accomplished by combining current agencies like the FBI, US Marshall's, ATF, TSA, etc. so as to eliminate redundant operations under one umbrella), heck, just go to and look at the list of agencies and 90% of them are unnecessary and, quite frankly, unconstitutional. That's just for beginners!

Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Pearl Harbor Address

I fear that too many have forgotten this and Sept 11, 2001