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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Barack Marx???

"Spread the wealth, huh?!" That's straight out of Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto!" What makes Barack Hussein Obama think that he's qualified to determine who makes "enough" and that above that amount a person needs to have him confiscate a large portion of that and then give it to someone who DID NOTHING to earn it?! What business is it of his what anybody makes??? Enough with the class warfare! So, if I bust my butt and get into a position where I want to start my own business and give people jobs(BTW, that word has FOUR letters Sen. Biden) then I am not worthy of having a tax cut!? Instead, I must pay MORE taxes, oh, that's real "FAIR" Barry!!! BTW, taxes are to pay for infrastructure and national security, not spread "fairness."

Also, paying taxes IS NOT patriotic!!! If you don't believe me then go read a bit about our history called "THE BOSTON TEA PARTY." This is part of our Revolutionary War history. The people who did this DID NOT see paying taxes as patriotic! Taxes were a big reason for the Revolutionary War. Here's a helpful link to an eyewitness account of the event, THE BOSTON TEA PARTY: BY George Hewes

FOLLOW UP: BHO and Biden are now attacking Joe, making fun of him and ridiculing him. So much for their being for the middle-class and the blue-collar worker. That's exactly what this man is, but because he dares question "the messiah" he must be destroyed.

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