ESPN Bottomline

Saturday, November 15, 2008

My Thoughts Being Verified!

November 14, 2008
GOP senator: McCain betrayed Republican principles
Posted: 10:46 AM ET

From CNN Political Producer Peter Hamby

MYRTLE BEACH, South Carolina (CNN) – South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint on Friday became one of the first high-profile Republicans to publicly criticize John McCain following his electoral defeat, blaming the Arizona senator for betraying conservative principles in his quest for the White House.

The conservative senator, speaking to a group of GOP officials gathered in Myrtle Beach at a conference on the future of the Republican Party, described how the party had strayed from its own "brand," which, according to DeMint, should represent freedom, religious-based values and limited government.

"We have to be honest, and there's a lot of blame to go around, but I have to mention George Bush, and I have to mention Ted Stevens, and I'm afraid I even have to mention John McCain," he said...

The truth is slowly being put forth by others besides myself. Others in power and who will get the attention of people. Some may not like this, but this is how it must be!

Click on the article title to view the entire thing.

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