ESPN Bottomline

Monday, October 26, 2009

President Obama and American Exceptionalism

Several pundits have observed that the rhetoric of candidate Barack Obama has differed considerably from the conduct of President Obama's administration. A major part of Obama's campaign appeal, especially to young voters and Independents who helped propel him to victory, was the promise of ushering in a new politics, an escape from partisan rancor in favor of pragmatic problem-solving. But just nine months into his tenure, the old, bare-knuckle politics seems to have been replaced with the Chicago brass-knuckle variety. ...

The people who believed that crap were naive and had done no research into who the man is and how he had conducted himself, both politically and personally! I understand that many wanted to get away from the baby-boom generation. Clinton and Bush brought out the worst cynic in all of us. It is my firm belief that the baby-boom generation is the worst generation that this country has seen in its history. They have exemplified greed and self-righteousness. In the effort to get away from that the "young" and "independent" voters willingly overlooked the FACTS that this man DOES NOT like this country or its founding principles!

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