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Monday, November 29, 2010

Drudge Fought The TSA….And Drudge Won

Alex Jones' Prison Planet

...The big networks and the so-called progressive borg hive, who instantly tried to spin the lack of delays at airports over Thanksgiving as proof that the opt-out protest had failed, conveniently failed to mention the fact that major airports across the country had deliberately mothballed their naked body scanners in a crass PR ploy aimed at deflating the momentum behind the demonstration. ...

The TSA has NEVER stopped a single attack! Of course it's rather hard to do so when you are screening white, anglo-saxon, Christian people, especially elderly women, nuns, small children, and even white males the vast majority of the time. I would love to ask them to point out to me the last time someone like this either high-jacked, blew up or crashed a jet. The correct answer is, NEVER! Until they admit this (which they will never do) and start using proper police profiling techniques (which they also will never do) they will continue to be just another inept, politically correct, useless government agency.

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