ESPN Bottomline

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Failed Democrat Pol Sues Critics Over Election Loss

Peter Roff (

A federal judge, who formerly headed a chapter of Planned Parenthood, allows a lawsuit against a pro life group to move forward.

...Charging that its activities contributed to his defeat and thus to his "loss of livelihood," Driehaus is suing the Susan B. Anthony List, a group that supports pro-life candidates for Congress and which has been one of the leading and most effective organizations involved in the fight to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood. ...

Driehaus was a stuffed shirt rubber stamp for Nancy Pelosi and Obama. He voted in lock step with her and ignored what his constituents wanted. He voted for Obamacare with the public funding for abortions even after saying he would not do so. He voted for the stimulus package to bail out Wall St companies such as Goldman Saks (which Timmy Geithner worked for), AIG, because they were deemed too big to fail. He helped balloon the debt and deficit of this country by 2-4 times what had been done under Bush. He didn't see a single spending bill that he didn't like! He was more interested in pleasing Queen Pelosi and growing his political career than he was in being a true citizen legislator. This suit is laughable and the only reason it's going forward is because he is being paid back by Obama, through one of his court appointees, for his unquestioning support!

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