ESPN Bottomline

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Inspirtation Behind The Tea Party Movement

Mr. Santelli put voice to what many of us feel. His statement that we need a new tea party, a-la the Boston Tea Party, was the impetus behind this movement. Whether the likes of PMSnbc, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the NY Times, et. al. want to consider them grassroots movements or not, they most certainly are.

They/We also are not just a bunch of "angry white people" who don't like Obama. I say "we" because I have attended both events in Cincinnati, including the one today. I saw people from all walks of life. I saw men, women, various ethnic and racial groups, and people from all income levels.

The people there were, except for a hand full of agitators, unanimous in their disapproval of the way our governments, at all levels, is spending our money and the recklessness with which it's being done. The "anger" is at the fiscal irresponsibility by our elected officials(that includes President Bush). It's time that ALL levels of government stop spending money that they don't have and live within financial constraints like everyone else has to!

If you would like to see pictures of todays Cincinnati Tea Party click on my facebook link to the right. All you have to do, once you get to my facebook page, is click on one of the pics and it will take you to the picture album containing pictures from the Tea Party today and last month.

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