ESPN Bottomline

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Media Covering for Obama, Gee, There's a News Flash!

'Fox And Friends' Exclusive: Notre Dame In Uproar Over Obama Speech |

By Mike Sargent (Bio | Archive)
March 24, 2009 - 18:05 ET

Major media began shielding Barack Obama from criticism early in the presidential primaries. It's no surprise, then, when they continue to do so today. However, the media's collective, instinctive tone-deafness in regard to grassroots activities continues to stun and amaze....

I'm not Catholic so I may need a little enlightening on this one. Why in the world would a CATHOLIC PRIEST, as President of a CATHOLIC university, representing the CATHOLIC CHURCH, invite some one who is COMPLETELY at odds with CATHOLIC teaching?

As a Baptist my views on life are that it starts at the moment of conception. For a reference point I will give you, Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed thee in embryo I knew thee; and before thou wast born I sanctified thee,..." (Websters Bible Translation). Knowing that the Catholic Church holds the same belief I and my Church do on this, I find it rather astonishing that a man who is "God's man" and charged with teaching the Word of God would make such an invitation.

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