ESPN Bottomline

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Murtha Award Sparks Vet Outrage

March 26, 2009|

In one of his last moves before leaving office March 13, then-Navy Secretary Donald Winter quietly awarded 19-term Democratic congressman John Murtha (Pa.) with the service's highest civilian honor.

Citing Murtha's "courageous leadership, vision, and loyalty to the men and women of the Department of the Navy," Winter presented the influential chairman of the House Appropriations Committee's defense panel with the Navy's Distinguished Public Service Award, an honor bestowed in "those extraordinary cases where individuals have demonstrated exceptionally outstanding service of substantial and long term benefit to the Navy, Marine Corps, or the Department of the Navy as a whole," a Murtha release stated.

The award generated little publicity when it was given to Murtha in early March, but as news of the honor trickled out, some veterans groups ignited a firestorm of protest...

This is absolutely disgusting! It is a slap in the face to all those who have bravely served this country protecting the freedoms so many of us take for granted. The fact that the morons in Murtha's district would return this waste of human flesh to Congress is an affront to these brave men and women.

I don't care if he did serve himself. He is a disgrace and an embarrassment to the uniform he once wore!

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